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Weekly Update (10/16- 10/20)

Writer's picture: Mr. MooreMr. Moore

This is your weekly MUSIC DEPARTMENT update!

Hello Folks!

It's Homecoming Week......again!

These next two weeks are going to be very busy so please stay on top of everything and power through!

As a reminder,

There are 4 rehearsals remaining until Music Performance Assessment. You need to be present.


Your presence makes a difference at these rehearsals, people. We want to be really polished so that we can earn our desired ratings at MPA. This is only possible if we are present to get the job done.


Senior Wills

Seniors, each year, a publication of the Senior Wills goes out for students to read on the bus ride to MPA. You should submit your Senior Will using the link on the band app (or the link HERE). You can leave funny or meaningful things to any student or staff member in the band. What you bequeath does not have to be a real item—it can be a joke, or a sort role you played in the band (ie. The math wiz, or the comedian).


Playing Tests this Week

Wind Ensemble:

  • Chair Tests have been postponed until the Week of October 23rd! To Include:

    • Major Scales: G, C, F, Bb, Eb, Ab, Db (performed within 2 minutes) (Can be found HERE)

    • Chromatic Scale

    • North Florida Honor Band Prepared Piece (Printed and can be found in the hallway OR in the Music Folder HERE)

    • No tests this week

Symphonic Band:

  • None


  • Sharp Major Scales: F#, B, E, A, D, G, C to be tested on October 20th (We forgot to test last week).

  • Rhythm of the Week-- #9 & #10

  • Show Music-- Movement 4 Memorized




Weekly Walkthrough

Monday, We have a teacher's planning day. Enjoy your day off!

Tuesday, During School, all members of the marching band in wind ensemble, symphonic band, and percussion will travel to BCMS to work with the Rookies on Stands Tunes. Please wear your band shirt and blue jeans. Come straight to the band room at 7:30am. We will bus over and learn/ play stands tunes with the 8th graders present. There is a Woodwind Sectional from 2:45pm to 3:45pm. We also have an After School Rehearsal from 4pm to 7pm.

Wednesday, we have two parades—the NEFSH Parade and the Homecoming Parade. One will be during the school day, and the other is after school.

NEFSH Parade-- I will have you called to the band room (around 9 or so) for the NEFSH Parade. We will don our Uniforms and then bus over to the Florida State Hospital to perform. We will perform then head back to the high school. Please come to school dressed as closely to your under uniform (Band Shirt, Band Shorts, Black Socks, Band Shoes) as possible. I understand we may not wish to wear band shorts and shoes to school, which is fine, but you need to be able to change QUICKLY into them. These events get too hot to be wearing anything else under your uniform.

Homecoming Parade-- After School, your call time for the parade will be 4:00pm behind the old courthouse which you can find near the corner of E Shuey Ave and S Second Street. Uniforms will be donned here, and then we will warm up and march the parade. IT IS IMPERATIVE THAT STUDENTS DRINK PLENTY OF WATER AND HYDRATE BEFORE ARRIVING AT THE PARADE. WATER IS NOT AVAILABLE UNTIL WE ARRIVE AT THE FOOTBALL STADIUM. Once we arrive at the football stadium, we will perform at Cat Growl

Thursday, We have a Leadership Meeting from 2:45pm to 3:45pm. We also have an After School Rehearsal from 4pm to 7pm.

Friday, we have HOME vs. Jackson HS. We will be wearing full uniform, so arrive at call time dressed in under uniform. It will be Rookie Night, so please be mindful of how you interact with your peers, and be sure to interact with the 8th graders who will be joining us this evening! Pregame is Senior Night festivities. The band will plan to arrive early enough for seniors to coalesce with their families and to line up. We will not perform during Halftime because of Homecoming festivities. We will perform post game for our Rookies.


Leadership Meeting Info

Please communicate matter you want to discuss with the QM BEFORE the day of the meeting so we can discuss it altogether. This just helps everything run more smoothly.


October at- a- glance


Teacher's Planning Day – October 16th

Wind Ensemble Chair Tests – October 17th- 20th

Leadership Meeting – October 19th- 2:45pm- 3:30pm

Baker County Fair Fundraiser – October 23rd- 29th

Leadership Meeting – October 26th- 2:45pm- 3:30pm

Leadership Meeting – November 2nd- 2:45pm- 3:30pm


Woodwind Sectional – October 17th- 2:45pm-3:45pm

After School Rehearsal – October 17th- 4pm- 7pm

After School Rehearsal – October 19th- 4pm- 7pm

After School Rehearsal – October 24th- 4pm- 7pm

After School Rehearsal – October 26th- 4pm- 7pm

Wind Ensemble Rehearsal – November 2nd- 4pm- 6pm


BCHS Homecoming Parade – October 18th- 4pm @ Old Courthouse (Corner of E Shuey Ave and S Second St)

HOME vs. Jackson HS (Rookie Night/ Senior Night) – October 20th- 4pm

MARCHING MUSIC PERFORMANCE ASSESSMENT (Link to Itinerary)– October 28th- 9am


Things to Note 🎵:

FSU Prism Concert

Information/ Permission slips for FSU Prism Concert on Thursday, November 30th can be found on the bottom box of my door.

There are 50 available spots. Spots are first come first served. You must turn in monies and form at the same time.

Price is $85 per student. Includes Ticket, Charter Bus, and Dinner on campus at FSU. Price remains the same even if a chaperone does not ride the bus or do seminole dining.

Go Noles!

FSU Band Day

FSU Band Day (A separate event from FSU Prism Concert) is Saturday, November 18th.

FSU Band Day is different from UF Band Day in that there will not be any element of performance, but you will get to watch the FSU Band and go to an FSU Football Game (vs. North Alabama). It's a good time!

Like UF Band Day, to sign up to go to FSU Band Day, you will need to pay a $20 Commitment Fee to the band. We have 80 spots available, that are first come first served. Everyone in the band could go!

THIS LINK is where an itinerary will eventually be posted. Itinerary will be posted whenever the time for the game is released by athletics.

Student Meals @ Home FB Games

Parents/Students-- This year we are offering student meals for $5. These meals will include either a hot dog or a hamburger, chips and a drink. We wanted to try something new this season, in the past some students weren't able to get food because the concession lines were so long that they would be late getting back to the stands. We are pre-selling these meals until noon the day of the game. You may prepay for a meal by going to the band website If you go to the website to order make sure you are purchasing under the high school band.

You will have the choice to buy a ticket for a meal for each game if you would like. Unfortunately, you will have to purchase each game meal individually. Each week, we will have a list of the students that have purchased meals and pack them up and deliver them to the stands during 3rd quarter. Each week I will put out a reminder to give everyone a chance to purchase a meal. Students, if you purchase a meal, please make sure you send me a message or leave a comment on the reminder of what you would like to have as your drink. If you have any questions please reach out.

Marching MPA Traditions

MPA—The itinerary for this event is posted HERE. You should plan to bring money to spend on concessions. About $20 to $30 is plenty. I have not received a concessions menu from Santa Fe. Chaperone spots are limited and will be going first to parents who volunteer at the band concession stand. I believe ticket purchases will be done in person.

MPA is important because there are so many traditions that happen that day. We will be spending a lot of time together as a band that day, so please plan to be present the whole day.

Pasta Potluck—Please sign up HERE to bring something to the Pasta Potluck! This is staple MPA tradition where our band families bring pasta and desserts for us all to enjoy together. It connects our households and our hearts. Please be sure to sign up if you plan to bring something. We would like to avoid too much of the same thing being brought to the potluck. A reminder: You don’t need to bring a band sized portion of pasta. Just cook enough for your family and maybe just a little more than that. If the sign up fills up, that should be plenty of food. If you sign up to bring bread, bring enough for 2 families (we like to eat bread). If you sign up to bring soda bring at least two 2 liters or 2 boxes of cans. If you sign up to bring dessert, bring enough for 1 family. If you sign up to bring paper products, bring enough for 1 family.

Senior Speeches—Seniors, each year, each student in the band’s the senior class gives a speech to the band. These speeches can be funny or sentimental. It’s our seniors’ last opportunity to address the band and say something meaningful. The only rule is that you may not be disrespectful. Take the time to think about what you want to say. You can write it down. Don’t plan on not doing a speech—the band probably won’t let you not speak. Parents, please understand that if individual Seniors wish to kick adults out of the room, that is a courtesy that has always been extended to them, and we will respect it if they wish.

Senior Wills-- Seniors, each year, a publication of the Senior Wills goes out for students to read on the bus ride to MPA. You should submit your Senior Will using the link on the band app (or the link HERE). You can leave funny or meaningful things to any student or staff member in the band. What you bequeath does not have to be a real item—it can be a joke, or a sort role you played in the band (ie. The math wiz, or the comedian). Be sure you submit this before Friday!


After School Activities this Week:


  • No Activities Scheduled


  • Marching Band Trip to BCMS – 7:30am- 10am

  • After School Rehearsal – 4pm- 7pm


  • NEFSH Parade-- During School

  • BCHS Homecoming Parade – 4pm @ Old Courthouse (Corner of E Shuey Ave and S Second St)


  • After School Rehearsal – 4pm- 7pm


  • HOME vs. Jackson HS – 4pm


Birthday Announcements!

By the way, I base birthday announcements on what I can see on the Band App, so if you would like to be recognized for your birthday on the weekly announcements, please make sure your Birthday is set to PUBLIC on the Band App.

According to Band App, there are no birthdays this week.... 😔

Let's have a great week everyone!


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