Baker County Band Camps
For a Complete List of All Dates, Please See the Band Calendar
Band Data Day!
July 8th from 10am to 6pm
For All Band Members. Drop by any time between 10am and 6pm. Please bring a COPY of your physical! You can also pay Band Dues here.
Leadership Camp
July 10th-Â 11th from 8am to 5pm
For Members of the 23-24Â Band Leadership
Rookie Camp
July 12th- 14th from 8am to 5pm
For All Freshmen and New Band Members
Full Band Camp
July 17th- 21st, 24th- 27th from 8am to 5pm, July 28th from 8am to 12pm
For All Band Members
Band Family BBQ
July 28th at 5pm
Band Students, Parents and Siblings Invited! This is a performance-- everyone should attend!

What Should I Bring?
A Clean, Working Instrument
(Woodwinds: Working Vandoren Reeds (3 Level 3 or 3.5)/ Neck strap/Mouthpiece)
(Brass: Slide Grease/ Valve Oil/ Mouthpiece)
(Percussion: Appropriate Sticks/ Mallets)
(Larger Instruments will be provided pending availability)
Water (Water Jugs for Freshmen will not be in right away, so the band will plan to provide water in the meantime).
A Bagged Lunch
Flipbook and Lyre (for Winds)
Black Towel (for Brass Players)
Breathing Tube (Provided)
Your Music/ Drill (Provided)
A White Tee Shirt, Gym Shorts, and Tennis Shoes
NO JEANS OR PANTS (Students may be sent home if improperly dressed)
A Tuner/ Metronome (Cell Phone Apps are acceptable but may not be used during class)
Ball Cap
Bug Spray/ Repellent
WATER (Once the Purchased Water Jugs are Distributed, Students will be sent home if they do not carry their water jug as a safety concern).