This is your weekly MUSIC DEPARTMENT update!
Hello Folks!
Good Evening! I hope everyone is okay following the storm. It's my wish that we can return to a sense of normalcy as soon as possible.
Understanding that everyone has been dealing with the storm, I am extending the deadline for the sizing form to be filled out online. Please make sure that the sizing form found HERE (clickable link) is filled out by 10/4. I was asked what sizes are being requested-- you need to go on the form and reference the links that are provided to figure out what measurements you need to take.
Weekly Walkthrough
Monday, we have Jazz Rhythm Section Jam Sessions from 2:30pm to 4pm! We'll be focusing on our Christmas Charts.
Tuesday, there is a Brass Sectional from 3:00pm to 3:45pm. We also have After School Rehearsal from 4pm to 7pm.
Wednesday, there are no activities scheduled.
Thursday, we have After School Rehearsal from 4pm to 7pm.
Friday, we have After School Rehearsal from 4pm to 7pm. This rehearsal was always here. It will take place AT THE FOOTBALL STADIUM. Students will need to work out their own transportation.
September/ October at- a- glance
Band Booster Meeting– October 7th
BCHS Pep Band to BCMS Game?– October 15th
Rookie Night Rehearsal– October 17th
Baker County Fair Fundraiser– October 22nd- 27th
Jazz Rhythm Section Jam Sessions– September 30th- 2:30pm- 4:00pm
Brass Sectionals (Student Led- Not Mandatory)– October 1st- 3:00pm- 3:45pm
After School Rehearsal– October 1st- 4:00pm- 7:00pm
After School Rehearsal– October 3rd- 4:00pm- 7:00pm
After School Rehearsal (Meet at Football Stadium)– October 4th- 4:00pm- 7:00pm
Jazz Rhythm Section Jam Sessions– October 7th- 2:30pm- 4:00pm
Woodwind Sectionals (Student Led- Not Mandatory)– October 8th- 3:00pm- 3:45pm
After School Rehearsal– October 8th- 4:00pm- 7:00pm
After School Rehearsal– October 10th- 4:00pm- 7:00pm
Jazz Rhythm Section Jam Sessions– October 14th- 2:30pm- 4:00pm
Brass Sectionals (Student Led- Not Mandatory)– October 15th- 3:00pm- 3:45pm
After School Rehearsal– October 15th- 4:00pm- 7:00pm
After School Rehearsal– October 17th- 4:00pm- 7:00pm
Jazz Rhythm Section Jam Sessions– October 21st- 2:30pm- 4:00pm
Woodwind Sectionals (Student Led- Not Mandatory)– October 22nd- 3:00pm- 3:45pm
After School Rehearsal– October 22nd- 4:00pm- 7:00pm
After School Rehearsal– October 24th- 4:00pm- 7:00pm
Jazz Rhythm Section Jam Sessions– October 28th- 2:30pm- 4:00pm
Brass Sectionals (Student Led- Not Mandatory)– October 29th- 3:00pm- 3:45pm
After School Rehearsal– October 29th- 4:00pm- 7:00pm
After School Rehearsal– October 31st- 4:00pm- 6:00pm**
AWAY vs. Suwannee HS – October 11th- 4:00pm Call Time
Show Day @ Orange Park HS – October 19th- Call Time TBA
Pep Rally – October 25th- During School
HOME vs Wakulla HS – October 25th- 4:00pm Call Time
HOME vs Dunellon HS – November 1st- 4:00pm Call Time
Things to Note 🎵:
NFHB Auditions
Wind Ensemble, Symphonic, and Percussion Students will be preparing the contents of the High School NFHB Audition for chair placements which will be in the first week of October. In theory, if you prepare for our chair placements, you are mostly ready for the NFHB Auditions in November.
I recommend that everyone work on their scales first, which can be found HERE. In most auditions, scales are worth the most points.
FSU Prism Concert
Please see the below attachment for information about FSU Prism:
Concert Attire
Here is information about concert attire.
So that everyone can take advantage of a group rate, band members who need to purchase items for concert attire will order through the band. Start by filling out the form. Measure your child as accurately as possible. If your child needs a size not listed on the form, reach out to me! You will not need to make any payments immediately when filling out the form, so feel free to fill it out as soon as possible. The form must be filled out by October 4th.
After 10/4, I will reach out to your child with the amount due for their order, which will be due by 10/17. Orders will be placed on 10/18 and take 3-5 weeks to ship (but should ship a bit faster since we use a lot of stock items).
Here is a pricing chart below so you know roughly how much everything will set you back. Please remember that you only need to purchase the things you do not have or that the band is not providing, so if you are a veteran, you likely have some of these items already. If there are any questions, feel free to reach out to me at
Wind Ensemble
Men- Total Cost $135 (-$27 if you already have the vest, and $-17 if you don't purchase the tux shirt)
Legacy Coat (NEW) [$66]
Legacy Pants (NEW) [$25]
Black Vest [$27]
Tuxedo Shirt [Buy your own or buy through us for $17 ]
Black Dress Socks [Buy your own]
Black Dress Shoes (Marching Shoes are acceptable)
Women- Total Cost [$62]
Corelli Dress [$62]
Black Flats (Buy your own)
White Pearls (Band Buys)
Red Rose (Band Buys)
Symphonic Band
Men- Total Cost $60 (-$35 if you already have the vest)
Legacy Pants (NEW) [$25]
Black Vest [$27]
Tuxedo Shirt [Buy your own]
Black Dress Socks(for males) [Buy your own]
Black Dress Shoes(Marching Shoes are acceptable)
Women- Total Cost [$62]
Corelli Dress [$62]
Black Flats (Buy your own)
After School Activities this Week:
Jazz Rhythm Section Jam Sessions– 2:30pm- 4:00pm
Brass Sectionals (Student Led- Not Mandatory)– 3:00pm- 3:45pm
After School Rehearsal– 4:00pm- 7:00pm
No Activities Scheduled
After School Rehearsal– 4:00pm- 7:00pm
After School Rehearsal (Meet at Football Stadium)– 4:00pm- 7:00pm
Birthday Announcements!
By the way, I base birthday announcements on what I can see on the Band App, so if you would like to be recognized for your birthday on the weekly announcements, please make sure your Birthday is set to PUBLIC on the Band App.
According to Band App, there are two birthdays!
Happy Birthday to two fabulous professional staff members, Mrs. Alane Clardy (10/3) and Ms. Grace Johnson (10/4)!
Let's have a great week everyone!