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Writer's pictureMr. Moore

Weekly Update (4/22- 4/28)

This is your weekly MUSIC DEPARTMENT update!

Hello Folks!

We got a lot accomplished so far! That was 4 out of 6 weeks! 2 more to go! Keep on chasing the dream!!!

Commitment Night was very successful! If you missed but are still looking to be a part of next year's band, just email me so I can get you the paperwork you need.


Universal Trip

Please find the link to the itinerary HERE.

The itinerary will continue to be updated as more information comes out.

You can find the current itinerary and rooms list there. If there are any issues or concerns with the rooms list, PARENTS can reach out to Mrs. Ballinger. Please avoid unnecessary changes.

Please don't forget that there is a MANDATORY BAND TRIP MEETING on 4/22 from 6:30pm to 7:30pm in the BCHS Band Room.



Weekly Walkthrough

Monday, we have a Leadership Monday from 3pm to 4pm. Leadership Applications are also due today. The calendar says by 5pm, but the application will actually close at 11:59pm. We also have the Mandatory Band Trip Meeting from 6:30pm to 7:30pm

Tuesday, Wind Ensemble has it's one and only State Rehearsal after school from 3pm to 6pm. We will be joined by Professor Ted Shistle from Jacksonville University!

Wednesday, we have Drum Major Clinics after school from 12:30pm to 3pm.

Thursday, Wind Ensemble travels to State MPA! (Link to Itinerary)

Friday, there are no activities scheduled.

Saturday and Sunday, we will be at the Band EOY Trip! (Link to Itinerary)


The Rest of the School Year at- a- glance


Leadership Monday!– April 22nd- 3pm to 4pm

Leadership Applications Due– April 22nd

Mandatory Band Trip Meeting– April 22nd-6:30pm- 7:30pm

Drum Major Clinics– April 24th- 12:30pm to 3pm

Band EOY Trip (Link to Itinerary) – April 27th- 28th

Student Staff Interviews– April 29th

Drum Major Auditions– May 1st

Music Department Banquet (Link to Tickets)– May 4th- 5:00pm

Leadership Meeting – May 13th- 3:00pm- 5:00pm


Wind Ensemble State Dress Rehearsal – April 23rd- 3:00pm- 6:00pm

Pass the Torch Rehearsal – April 30th- 4:00pm- 6:00pm

Pass the Torch Rehearsal – May 2nd- 4:00pm- 6:00pm

Band Graduation Rehearsal – May 14th- 3:00pm- 5:00pm

Band Graduation Rehearsal – May 16th- 3:00pm- 5:00pm


STATE CONCERT MPA (Wind Ensemble) (Link to Itinerary)– April 25th

Pass the Torch Concert – May 3rd- 6:30pm


Things to Note 🎵:

Music Department Banquet!

Students & Parents-

You can now RSVP for the banquet. Each student is allowed to bring 2 guests with them at no cost, each additional guest will be a cost of $5 each person. You can get all the tickets at the link below. This year will be a potluck theme meal, so we need everyone to pitch in and bring a dish. There will be a sign up created for you to indicate what dish you will be providing. Please remember when you are planning your dish that there will be a large crowd in attendance. Feel free to reach out to Mrs. Jennifer Luke if you have any questions.


After School Activities this Week:


  • Leadership Monday!– 3pm to 4pm

  • Leadership Applications Due

  • Mandatory Band Trip Meeting– 6:30pm- 7:30pm


  • Wind Ensemble State Dress Rehearsal – 3:00pm- 6:00pm


  • Drum Major Clinics– 12:30pm to 3pm



  • No Activities Scheduled

Saturday/ Sunday


Birthday Announcements!

By the way, I base birthday announcements on what I can see on the Band App, so if you would like to be recognized for your birthday on the weekly announcements, please make sure your Birthday is set to PUBLIC on the Band App.

According to Band App, there are no birthdays this week... 😔

Let's have a great week everyone!


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