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Writer's pictureMr. Moore

Weekly Update (12/4- 12/9)

This is your weekly MUSIC DEPARTMENT update!

Hello Folks!

If you see Evan and Alek, please give them a pat on the back and a congratulations for their performance at FSU Tri State this weekend! Their bands sounded phenomenal and I'm told they both walked away having learned a lot!


End of Year Trip!

Parents! The end of the year trip has been decided and you are now able to make payments toward the trip.

Please let Mrs. Luke know if you have any questions by emailing her at




Weekly Walkthrough

Monday,  there are no after school activities.

Tuesday, the joint A Christmas Festival rehearsal is from 3pm to 6pm. Chorus does not need to be present until 5pm. I think we will end up rehearsing in the cafetorium. Assume this unless I tell you differently in class. We will be schlepping everything except for Jazz to the stage today. There is also a Band Booster meeting today at 6:30pm

Wednesday, Jazz Band performs at Macclenny Elementary during school. Please come directly to the band room at 7:30am so we can begin the process of tearing down the Jazz Area.

Thursday, is the BCHS Christmas Concert! Call time is 4:30pm. Concert begins at 6:30pm. Loading Crew needs to begin putting out audience chairs at 3:00pm (as drama is rehearsing) so that we can sound check and do as we need at call time. I would like Kelsey to be in charge of concert program announcing and making sure that everyone below does their assigned jobs thoroughly (most of these items can't wait until Thursday to begin to happen so be the annoying person that makes sure everyone is actually making sure these things happen and that the result isn't "half-butted"). I would like Kaiden to be in charge of stage set up and tear down for the concert, as well as the curtain. Also, help Kelsey be an annoying person who makes sure things get done. I would like Sunny to be in charge of Stage and Auditorium decor (Including moving our tree to the stage and back. Big 3 will also be acting as Stage Managers throughout the week. Questions about the concert should go through them. They will also be responsible for keeping order and handling the little things. Alek and Evan will ensure the Boys and Girls dressing rooms stay organized throughout the week (Drama will be in these areas too so we need to take steps to ensure our equipment is safe and will not be bothered.) Jack will make sure all percussion equipment throughout the week is secured and placed neatly out of Drama's way. The Drill Assistants and Uniform Manager will ensure the band room/ instrument storage room/ drum room is thoroughly cleaned and vacuumed while all the equipment is on stage (since this is usually a good time to make sure

The leaders I just assigned to different tasks need to delegate effectively in order to ensure their responsibilities are met, so BAND be ready to help leadership complete these goals.

Friday, we need to schlep everything back to the band room. The Band Boosters will likely need A LOT of help with set up for Breakfast with Santa after school today, so be on the lookout for info from a Band Booster on how you can help (and earn volunteer hours!!!)

Saturday, Jazz Band has Breakfast with Santa. Call Time at Legacy Elementary will be 9am (though many of you will already be there to help with set up, right? )the Lighted Christmas Parade. Meet behind "The Coop" restaurant at 4:00pm to don uniforms.


Leadership Meeting Info

This Week's Leadership Meeting is cancelled.


December at- a- glance


FSU Prism Concert – November 30th

Music Department Christmas Party– December 21st- 3pm- 5pm


Wind Ensemble Rehearsal – November 28th- 4pm- 6pm

Joint Christmas Parade Rehearsal – November 29th- 3pm- 5pm

A Christmas Festival Rehearsal – December 5th- 3pm- 6pm

Wind Ensemble Rehearsal – December 12th- 4pm- 6pm


Joint Christmas Parade – December 2nd- 3pm- 5pm

Jazz Band Goes to Macclenny Elementary – December 6th- During School

BCHS Christmas Concert – December 7th- 6:30pm

Breakfast with Santa (Jazz Band Performs) – December 9th

Jazz Ensemble/ Drumline performance at Harvest Ministries – December 17th


Things to Note 🎵:



After School Activities this Week:


  • No Activities Scheduled


  • A Christmas Festival Rehearsal – 3pm- 6pm


  • No Activities Scheduled


  • BCHS Christmas Concert – 4:30pm Call Time


  • No Activities Scheduled


  • Joint Christmas Parade – 3pm- 5pm


Birthday Announcements!

By the way, I base birthday announcements on what I can see on the Band App, so if you would like to be recognized for your birthday on the weekly announcements, please make sure your Birthday is set to PUBLIC on the Band App.

According to Band App, there is one very special birthday this week!

Happy Birthday Booster President Jennifer Luke (12/5)!

Let's have a great week everyone!


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