This is your weekly MUSIC DEPARTMENT update!
Hello Folks!
Good work at the competition! I'm proud of our first showing at the competition! I'm hoping that for our newer folks, this was an 'ah- ha' moment where you could see more clearly what we're working toward!
I caught wind that there may be a sense that the score we received was 'rigged' in some sort of way. While we are entitled to our beliefs, I think my students need to break the habit of creating excuses that make processing the perception of loss easier. Here are the facts, ladies and gentlemen:
This was our first competition in the school year. Many of us didn't understand fully why all the work we have been putting in was important.
We had an incredibly strong performance for what we are trying to achieve. FFCC (and FMBC) puts way more weight in General Effect and Visual than it does in Music (Where we are focused). The Florida Bandmasters Association (the organization that puts on MPA) puts more weight in Music by FAR.
Our purpose for attending the competition was NEVER to win in the first place. We wanted feedback and commentary.
If you want to be one of those bands that earned top scores, then we would have to have some serious conversations about what that requires. (For the record, I'm not opposed to that by any means, but I'm not sure we are all prepared for what the necessary changes for that to even begin to happen would look like-- so talk to your peers about this and let me know if/ when you're ready to reopen this conversation). We are acting as a semi- competitive band right now, so our end all- be all right now is MPA, which I think we are still on track for.
We need to stay classy. If your perception is that we lost (I don't agree), then trying to cast blame instead of taking personal accountability is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY to be. That is no way to get any better. Suck it up and make meaningful changes to improve. This is a life lesson.
I can't emphasize enough how much love and pride I have for you. We are going to do great at MPA as long as we come in with the mindset that we're here to grow.
Weekly Walkthrough
Monday, there was a Jazz Rhythm Section Jam Session but I'm going to cancel these until we really need one badly. So let's play it by ear.
Tuesday, there is a Woodwind Sectional from 3:00pm to 3:45pm. We also have After School Rehearsal from 4pm to 7pm. The Baker County Fair Fundraiser is going on! Have you signed up for a shift?
Wednesday, there are no activities scheduled. The Baker County Fair Fundraiser is going on! Have you signed up for a shift?
Thursday, we have After School Rehearsal from 4pm to 7pm. The Baker County Fair Fundraiser is going on! Have you signed up for a shift?
Friday, we have a Pep Rally during school. We also have Home vs. Wakulla! Of course we're performing our show. We will plan to wear full uniform. Still carry your Ball Cap with you so we can wear them in the stands. Call time is 4pm. The Baker County Fair Fundraiser is STILL going on! (BAND PARENTS!!! WE REALLY NEED HELP AT BOTH THE FOOTBALL GAME AND THE FAIR!) Have you signed up for a shift?
Saturday, The Baker County Fair Fundraiser is going on! Have you signed up for a shift?
Sunday, The Baker County Fair Fundraiser is going on! Have you signed up for a shift?
October at- a- glance
Baker County Fair Fundraiser– October 22nd- 27th
Jazz Rhythm Section Jam Sessions– October 21st- 2:30pm- 4:00pm
Woodwind Sectionals (Student Led- Not Mandatory)– October 22nd- 3:00pm- 3:45pm
After School Rehearsal– October 22nd- 4:00pm- 7:00pm
After School Rehearsal– October 24th- 4:00pm- 7:00pm
Jazz Rhythm Section Jam Sessions– October 28th- 2:30pm- 4:00pm
Brass Sectionals (Student Led- Not Mandatory)– October 29th- 3:00pm- 3:45pm
After School Rehearsal– October 29th- 4:00pm- 7:00pm
After School Rehearsal– October 31st- 4:00pm- 6:00pm**
Pep Rally – October 25th- During School
HOME vs Wakulla HS – October 25th- 4:00pm Call Time
HOME vs Dunellon HS – November 1st- 4:00pm Call Time
HIGH SCHOOL MARCHING MPA (Link to Itinerary)– November 2nd- Call Time 8:00am
Things to Note 🎵:
Senior Wills
Seniors, each year, a publication of the Senior Wills goes out for students to read on the bus ride to MPA. You should submit your Senior Will using the link on the band app (or the link HERE). You can leave funny or meaningful things to any student or staff member in the band. What you bequeath does not have to be a real item—it can be a joke, or a sort role you played in the band (ie. The math wiz, or the comedian).
You may resubmit this form as many times as you need, but only the MOST RECENTLY SUBMITTED form will be published.
Pasta Potluck
Please sign up HERE to bring something to the Pasta Potluck! This is staple MPA tradition where our band families bring pasta and desserts for us all to enjoy together. It connects our households and our hearts. Please be sure to sign up if you plan to bring something. We would like to avoid too much of the same thing being brought to the potluck. A reminder: You don’t need to bring a band sized portion of pasta. Just cook enough for your family and maybe just a little more than that. If the sign up fills up, that should be plenty of food. If you sign up to bring bread, bring enough for 2 families (we like to eat bread). If you sign up to bring soda bring at least two 2 liters or 2 boxes of cans. If you sign up to bring dessert, bring enough for 1 family. If you sign up to bring paper products, bring enough for 1 family.
NFHB Auditions
Wind Ensemble, Symphonic, and Percussion Students will be preparing the contents of the High School NFHB Audition for chair placements which will be in the first week of October. In theory, if you prepare for our chair placements, you are mostly ready for the NFHB Auditions in November.
I recommend that everyone work on their scales first, which can be found HERE. In most auditions, scales are worth the most points.
FSU Prism Concert
Please see the below attachment for information about FSU Prism:
Baker County Fair Fundraiser
As you know, the fair is next week. We're in need of volunteers to work in the booth.
If you (or your child) work a minimum of 10 hours at any point during the fair, we will enter your name into a drawing to win a $100 gift card (retailer TBA). You can sign up using THIS LINK.

After School Activities this Week:
No Activities Scheduled
Woodwind Sectionals (Student Led- Not Mandatory)– 3:00pm- 3:45pm
After School Rehearsal– 4:00pm- 7:00pm
Baker County Fair Fundraiser
Baker County Fair Fundraiser
After School Rehearsal– 4:00pm- 7:00pm
Baker County Fair Fundraiser
HOME vs Wakulla HS – 4:00pm Call Time
Baker County Fair Fundraiser (Band Parents, we need help!!!)
Baker County Fair Fundraiser
Baker County Fair Fundraiser
Birthday Announcements!
By the way, I base birthday announcements on what I can see on the Band App, so if you would like to be recognized for your birthday on the weekly announcements, please make sure your Birthday is set to PUBLIC on the Band App.
According to Band App, there are no birthdays... 😔
Let's have a great week everyone!