This is your weekly MUSIC DEPARTMENT update!
Hello Folks!
Just that fast, we are into our first Football Game of the year! How exciting! 🤩
With that said, I do want to take some time and remind everyone about paperwork. Each piece of paperwork serves a purpose and for everyone to fully participate, everyone needs to have all the paperwork turned in. On Thursday at the after school practice, and on Friday during the school day, missing papers were handed out to students. If your student received papers back then, for one reason or another, we do not have your paperwork on file. Most of the band paperwork is easy to fill out/ sign, so please just take a second to fill out and return the paperwork.
Most people have most/ all of the required paperwork turned in. Without these papers we will not be able to allow your student to do the following:
Handbook Agreement- If your child does not have this form turned in, they will not be allowed to continue participation in band. Families must agree to the band handbook. If you need to review the band handbook, you can find a link HERE.
Yellow Card- If your yellow card is not on file, your child will not be allowed to travel to any away games.
Field Trip Slip- If your Field Trip Slip is not on file, your child will not be allowed to ride the bus.
Physical- If your child’s physical is not on file, your child will not be allowed to march the halftime show.
Release Consent- If your child’s Release Consent form is not on file, they will not be allowed to take band photos (happening in September).
This week’s football game is an AWAY game vs. Bradford High School. We are NOT planning to perform the halftime show (so if you need a little bit more time to get a physical, you have an additional week). And unless Band Shirts come in super quick, attire will be “Wildcat Attire” and Jeans.
We will be “debuting” our Marching Show, and Full Uniform at the first Home Game, so these remaining rehearsals are going to be VERY important! I need EVERYONE to pray for NO RAIN because as it stands right now, the rain has been crippling our ability to practice efficiently, and we don’t even have the first movement on the field! 😱 We need all the daylight we can get!
August at- a- glance
After School Rehearsal -- August 24th- 5pm to 8pm
After School Rehearsal -- August 26th- 5pm to 8pm
After School Rehearsal -- August 31st- 5pm to 8pm
AWAY vs. Bradford HS- August 27th- 4:00 Call Time
HOME vs. Viera HS- September 3rd- 4:30 Call Time
Things to Note 🎵:
Band Shorts and Shoes
If you haven’t already, please turn in your band shorts and shoes money by August 23rd. I will be placing the order that week.
All State Kiddos (NEW INFO)
As stated in class, $15 is due this week. The last day I can accept $$$ is Tuesday. I need to listen to what you have of your audition Monday. If you show me significant struggle on your scales, I will not allow you to audition. The FBA routinely asks us to vet our auditions so that all state auditions do not drag on.
(Significant struggle in this case means an inability to properly demonstrate a 2-octave performance of the 12 major scales [or the scales on your instrument in which this is possible] within the time limit, or enough stumbles that would lend credence to a doubt that the student would be able to polish them enough by the audition day.)
Parent Volunteers/ Chaperones
Chaperone sign-ups are available on Cut Time! You can log in to cut time using your student’s account or you can create an account and link it to your student! Volunteers are how we keep this program running so please make time to help us out where possible! Remember that to volunteer in any event that is going to have you around students for an extended amount of time, you must complete and turn in a volunteer form per the Baker County School District.
After School Activities this Week:
· All State Vetting (Available until 5:00pm)
· After School Rehearsal – 5pm- 8pm
· No Activities Scheduled
· After School Rehearsal – 5pm- 8pm
· AWAY vs. Bradford- 4:00pm Call Time
o Attire: Wildcat Attire & Jeans (though stay on the lookout in case the student body decides to make this a “White Out” game)
o No Halftime Show; Stands Only
Birthday Announcements!
By the way, I base birthday announcements on what I can see on the Band App, so if you would like to be recognized for your birthday on the weekly announcements, please make sure your Birthday is set to PUBLIC on the Band App.
According to Band App, there is ONE birthday this week!
Happy Birthday Jude Buckminister (8/24)!
Let's have a great week everyone!