This is your weekly MUSIC DEPARTMENT update!
Hello Folks!
Congratulations once again to Jazz Ensemble and to the Soloists and Ensembles that performed at Solo and Ensemble MPA!
I'm very proud of everyone's hard work!

About Q. P. 1 & 2-- I forgot that that was due this past week, so I will extend the due date until March 10th. Please complete it asap so the practice work/ time does not pile up on you! This requirement has also been adjusted:
For Wind Ensemble Students, instead do the requirement from Quarter 2.
5 Concert Major Scales Gb, B, E, A, D in Two Octaves in 1min & 30 secs or less.
For Symphonic Band Students, instead do the requirement from Quarter 2:
5 Concert Major Scales Ab, Eb, Bb, F, C in Two Octaves in 1min & 30 secs or less.
Monday, there is no School. Enjoy your president's day!
Tuesday, is a busy day! We have Kelly Dorsey visiting us during the school day! We also have the BCMS/ HS Concert Pre- MPA Concert that evening. Because of the time we will need to get things in order, Call Time is 3:30pm. We need all hands on deck to get our set up moved over, as well as to clear the stage to make it acceptable for us and our guests. Please plan to be there to help.
Wednesday, we have a normal day. Wind Ensemble and Symphonic Band will be in the auditorium all week. Nothing is going on, though the band room is going to close right after school. Mr. Moore has another appointment.
Thursday, Wind Ensemble has rehearsal with Artie Clifton from 4pm to 6pm.
Friday, Quarterly Projects 4 & 7 are due! Get 'er done!
January/ February at- a- glance
Band Booster Meeting – March 7th- 6:30pm
Middle School Concert MPA – March 9th- 11th- 6pm- 8pm
Wind Ensemble Rehearsal w/ Artie Clifton – February 23rd- 4pm- 6pm
Symphonic Band Rehearsal – February 28th- 3pm- 5pm
Wind Ensemble Rehearsal – March 2nd- 3pm- 6pm
Jazz Band MPA Lunchtime Performance (Moved) – February 21st- 12pm- 1pm
BCMS/BCHS Pre- MPA Concert (clickable link) – February 21st- 4:00pm Call Time
Symphonic Band Lunchtime MPA Performance – February 27th- 12pm- 1pm
Wind Ensemble Lunchtime MPA Performance – February 28th- 12pm- 1pm
HIGH SCHOOL CONCERT MPA-- March 3rd/ 4th- Call Time: 7:00am
Things to Note 🎵:
Concert MPA Schedule

After School Activities this Week:
No Activities Scheduled (President's Day)
BCMS/BCHS Pre- MPA Concert (clickable link) – 4:00pm Call Time
No Activities Scheduled (Band Room Closed at 2:30pm)
Wind Ensemble Rehearsal w/ Artie Clifton -- 4pm- 6pm
No Activities Scheduled
Birthday Announcements!
By the way, I base birthday announcements on what I can see on the Band App, so if you would like to be recognized for your birthday on the weekly announcements, please make sure your Birthday is set to PUBLIC on the Band App.
According to Band App, there are no birthdays this week.... 😔
Let's have a great week everyone!