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Weekly Update (2/15- 2/19)

Writer's picture: Mr. MooreMr. Moore

This is your weekly MUSIC DEPARTMENT update!

Hello Folks.

I am sending out this message because I’ve been noticing some shifts from my students (and the greater student body) lately that I simply cannot have. Without regard to any one situation in particular, I will remind the Music Department as a whole that disrespect is not tolerated. Each student is expected to show respect to the program, to its rules, to each other, and to me.

You show respect to the program by exhibiting T.R.A.I.L. wherever you go and be being a citizen of outstanding character. You show respect to the rules of our program by following them and following school/ district rules and laws. You show respect to one another by speaking to each other with honor, and by helping one another. You show respect to me by following my direction, having rehearsal etiquette, and bringing issues to me in private.

Understand that if we cannot find common ground in these rules, I will work to find another activity for you. Do not find yourself involved in the tomfoolery involving gossip/ drama/ snapchat, ect… you may see or hear about in the general student body, either. You will not stay in this band program. Thank you.

Things to Note ♫ :

February at- a- glance


Solo and Ensemble Deadline 1 (State Qualifier)- February 19th- 20th


Wind Ensemble Rehearsal- February 16th- 3pm to 5pm

Symphonic Band Rehearsal- February 18th- 3pm to 5pm

Wind Ensemble Rehearsal- February 22nd- 3pm to 5pm (A Monday)

Symphonic Band Rehearsal- February 25th- 3pm to 5pm


BCHS/ BCMS Pre MPA Concert- February 23rd- 3pm to 5pm (Tickets)

HS Jazz Ensemble MPA Recording Day- March 4th- 6:00pm

HS Symphonic MPA Recording Day- March 9th- 6:00pm

HS Wind Ensemble MPA Recording Day- March 11th- 6:00pm

Solo and Ensemble Recordings

The S&E Recordings for Nick, Olivia, and RJ must happen next week. We’ll talk during school about a good day and time to knock out recordings. We must also meet at the school at your designated time to meet with the judge.

MPA Recording Dates

The Concert and Jazz MPA Recording Dates have been added to the calendar!

HS Jazz Ensemble MPA Recording Day- March 4th- 6:00pm

HS Symphonic MPA Recording Day- March 9th- 6:00pm

HS Wind Ensemble MPA Recording Day- March 11th- 6:00pm

For these dates, the students involved will be expected to report at 5:45pm IN THEIR CONCERT UNIFORM to get set up. The bands will be Video Recorded, so it is important that students take care to be in their proper uniform. We will then record our MPA Literature as quickly as possible. Students will be reminded that multiple takes of a piece are not advised because we want to have good chops for all our pieces. We will only take as much time as needed to record.

Parents/ Families of Seniors will be invited to come watch their student perform live free of charge. For others, the band recordings will be made available on the band website. Visitors will be expected to remain COMPLETELY silent or be removed from the band hall. Cellular devices and other devices which can make noise must be turned off/ silenced. Small Children must be kept home.

Leadership Fridays!


Please purchase the book “Coach Wooden’s Pyramid of Success” by John Wooden and have read from the Foreword through Building Block 3: Friendship and be prepared to discuss on March 5th.

Band Boosters

Parents—the Band Booster’s page on the band’s website is operational! Did you know that the time commitment for being involved with the Boosters can be as little as two hours a month? That’s not a bunch considering there are about 730 hours in a month! As the Director of our Band Program, I STRONGLY believe in our band boosters, and you should too. Their help behind the scenes helps to take the cost of running our program out of your pockets, and allowing our boosters to flourish makes it possible for our program to continue to grow.

If you have ever wondered why we have not traveled to Disney or some other big trip, or why we haven’t entertained taking our Marching Band to State, it’s only because we simply don’t yet have the regular parental support to help us afford the luxuries that push us in that direction.

I urge each of you to simply attend our booster meetings to learn about it and begin to help more positive change for our band program.

No one is required to serve in a position, however, the following positions are vacant in the boosters:

· Third Vice President of Travel

· Volunteer Chair

· Uniform Chair

· Alumni Chair

· Sponsorship Chair

· Social Media Chair


NFHB has officially been rescheduled. More information about recording dates will come out soon.

On Thursday, April 15th from 5:30pm to 8:30pm is the first Rehearsal at Union County HS.

On Friday, April 16th starting at 9:30am is the Full Day at Union County High School with the concert to be held at 7:00pm.

The audition music can be found here.

Binder Check This Week:

· 1st Period- No Check this Friday.

· 2nd Period- Catching Up on Tuesday

· 3rd Period- No Check this Friday.

· 4th Period- No Check this Friday.

· 6th Period- No Check this Friday.

After School Activities This Week:


· President’s Day


· Wind Ensemble Rehearsal- 3pm to 5pm

o Percussion Needed 3pm to 4pm


· Band Room Open Until 5 for Solos and Ensembles to Practice

o (Time with Mr. Moore available in 30min Increments only, beginning 3:30pm)


· Symphonic Band Rehearsal- 3pm to 5pm

o Percussion Needed 3pm to 4 pm

· Wind Ensemble Students may utilize Practice Rooms for Solos and Ensembles during Symphonic Rehearsal.


· Band Room Open Until 5 for Solos and Ensembles to Practice

o (Time with Mr. Moore available in 30min Increments only, beginning 3:30pm)

· Solo and Ensemble for Nick, RJ, and Olivia

o Wish them luck!

Birthday Announcements!

According to Charms/ Band App, there are two birthdays this week!

Happy Birthday to Booster President Mrs. Lowther (2/17) and Jordan Shepperson (2/19)!

Let's have a great week everyone!


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