This is your weekly MUSIC DEPARTMENT update!
Hello Folks!
Did you SEE that Jags Game?! Holy Moly! I felt like I needed to see the doctor after that kick at the end! Go Jags!
FMEA was fun and educational, but I'm ready to get back into the classroom with all of you so we can start whittling away at our music.
January/ February at- a- glance
Band Booster Meeting – January 10th- 6:30pm
Florida Music Educators Conference – January 11th- 14th
Band Booster Meeting – February 6th- 6:30pm
Dairy Queen Band Night – February 13th
Band Booster Meeting – March 7th- 6:30pm
Middle School Concert MPA – March 9th- 11th- 6pm- 8pm
Symphonic Band Rehearsal – January 17th- 3pm- 5pm
Wind Ensemble Rehearsal – January 19th- 4pm- 6pm
Symphonic Band Rehearsal – January 24th- 3pm- 5pm
Wind Ensemble Rehearsal – January 26th- 4pm- 6pm
NFHB Rehearsal @ UCHS – January 31st- 5:30pm- 8pm
NFHB Rehearsal @ UCHS – February 2nd- 1pm- 5pm
NFHB Rehearsal @ UCHS – February 3rd- Throughout the Day
Wind Ensemble Rehearsal w/ Professor Creswell – February 9th- 4pm- 6pm
Symphonic Band Rehearsal – February 14th- 3pm- 5pm
Wind Ensemble Rehearsal w/ Artie Clifton – February 23rd- 4pm- 6pm
Symphonic Band Rehearsal – February 28th- 3pm- 5pm
Wind Ensemble Rehearsal – March 2nd- 3pm- 6pm
NFHB Performance @ UCHS – February 2nd- Time TBA
Solo and Ensemble/ Jazz Pre MPA Concert – February 7th- 6pm- 8pm
Jazz Band MPA Lunchtime Performance – February 14th- 12pm- 1pm
JAZZ MPA-- February 16th- Call Time: TBA
SOLO AND ENSEMBLE MPA-- February 17th/18th- Call Times: TBA
BCMS/BCHS Pre- MPA Concert – February 21st- 4:00pm Call Time
Symphonic Band Lunchtime MPA Performance – February 27th- 12pm- 1pm
Wind Ensemble Lunchtime MPA Performance – February 28th- 12pm- 1pm
HIGH SCHOOL CONCERT MPA-- March 3rd/ 4th- Call Time: TBA
Things to Note 🎵:
Slice the Price Card Fundraiser
Our upcoming emergency fundraiser will be "Slice the Price" cards!
This fundraiser will begin next Tuesday, January 17th.
You will be selling at least 15 cards online and/or in- person. When people buy a large pizza at Dominos, this card will allow them to purchase a second one for free. The card works from now through December 31st (even the band budget itself will benefit from having this card). I bet you can already see how popular something like this will be in our county.
But you also don't have to just sell to people in our county. If you check the below website, you'll see where all people can use this card.
We need ALL HANDS ON DECK. All Band Students including Colorguard and Majorettes, and we could even use the help of chorus students. If 15 or more students sell 15 or more cards, those 15 students will earn a free band t- shirt!
Information and packets will be in on Tuesday/ Wednesday.
Please get energized about this fundraiser!! Our ability to participate in Concert, S&E, and Jazz MPA depends on it!!
After School Activities this Week:
No School- Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Symphonic Band Rehearsal- 3pm-5pm
No Activities Scheduled
Wind Ensemble Rehearsal- 4pm- 6pm
No Activities Scheduled
Birthday Announcements!
By the way, I base birthday announcements on what I can see on the Band App, so if you would like to be recognized for your birthday on the weekly announcements, please make sure your Birthday is set to PUBLIC on the Band App.
According to Band App, there are three birthdays this week!
Happy Birthday to Perry Murphree (1/16), Remini Lee (1/16), Estelle Switzer (1/18)!
Let's have a great week everyone!