This is your weekly MUSIC DEPARTMENT update!
Hello Folks!
For real this time! Our first Football Game is this Friday!! Yay!!
We will be “debuting” our Marching Show, and Full Uniform at the first Home Game, so these remaining rehearsals are going to be VERY important! I need EVERYONE to continue to pray for NO RAIN because we would like to add visuals and polish our first movement! We also are going to want to begin putting down movement 2 with music!
Regarding Band shirts and shorts, it was announced at rehearsal that band shirts and shorts will not be in before the first football game. We will, however, still be wearing full uniform. For this game, we are asking students to arrive at the band room dressed in a red or white tee shirt or wildcat shirt, gym shorts, and marching shoes with crew- length black sock or black dress socks.
We have a Pep Rally on Friday during school! All band students should come to school that day in wildcat attire (again, red and white or a wildcat shirt) and jeans. You will be called out of class. We will play some easy stands tunes.
Regarding Rehearsal Times, to combat earlier and earlier sundown times, the band last year started implementing earlier rehearsal call times so we have enough daylight to make it through rehearsal.
Starting this THURSDAY and for the remainder of the season, rehearsals will be from 4pm to 7 pm.
Regarding attendance discrepancies, moving forward, I am going to be referring to the Band Handbook on offenses that could result in suspension for performance. We’ve had a number of students who have been missing rehearsals for non- valid reasons. Students who continue to miss rehearsal for non- valid reasons will not be allowed to march on Friday nights.
If you have any questions regarding this matter, please email me at
September at- a- glance
Baker County Fair Fundraiser-- September 11th- 18th- Sign Up to Help HERE!
All State Auditions—September 11th
Letterman Jacket Fittings in Cafeteria-- October 1st- (Ask Front Office for Details)
After School Rehearsal -- August 31st- 5pm to 8pm
After School Rehearsal -- September 2nd- 4pm to 7pm
After School Rehearsal -- September 7th- 4pm to 7pm
After School Rehearsal -- September 9th- 4pm to 7pm
After School Rehearsal -- September 14th- 4pm to 7pm
After School Rehearsal -- September 16th- 4pm to 7pm
After School Rehearsal -- September 21st- 4pm to 7pm
After School Rehearsal -- September 23rd- 4pm to 7pm
After School Rehearsal -- September 28th- 4pm to 7pm
After School Rehearsal -- September 30th- 4pm to 7pm
Pep Rally—September 3rd- During School
HOME vs. Viera HS- September 3rd- 4:30 Call Time
HOME vs. Paxon HS- September 17th- 4:30 Call Time
HOME vs. Mandarin HS- September 24th- 4:30 Call Time
AWAY vs. Bishop Kenny HS- October 1st- 4:00 Call Time
Things to Note 🎵:
We need parent and student volunteers to work our fair concession stand. Parents we especially are asking for your support because we can only have two students in the booth at a time, and we will get really short staffed on Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday because we will not have student availability due to rehearsals and the football game. If you are able to spare a few hours, on a day, it really helps to take the work off of everyone else.
There are slots set up for 6 people per job, but the job can be done relatively comfortably with 4 people in the booth on slower days (weekdays). We cannot have any more than 6 people in the booth at a time per the fair guidelines. Students may not operate the fryer or the grill.
The money made from this fundraiser goes to pay off our Marching Show (an excess of $3000 for Music and Drill). If we want to continue to have nice productions, we need support for our County Fair Concession Stand.
You can sign up to help HERE:
Parent Volunteers/ Chaperones
Chaperone sign-ups are available on Cut Time! You can log in to cut time using your student’s account or you can create an account and link it to your student! Volunteers are how we keep this program running so please make time to help us out where possible! Remember that to volunteer in any event that is going to have you around students for an extended amount of time, you must complete and turn in a volunteer form per the Baker County School District.
After School Activities this Week:
· No Activities Scheduled
· After School Rehearsal – 5pm- 8pm
· No Activities Scheduled
· After School Rehearsal – 4pm- 7pm
· HOME vs. Viera HS- 4:30pm Call Time (Arrive at Band Room, we bus to stadium together)
o We are being fed! Come ready to eat!
o Attire: Full Uniform—Arrive in Wildcat Attire & Gym Shorts
o Movement 1 of Halftime Show
Birthday Announcements!
By the way, I base birthday announcements on what I can see on the Band App, so if you would like to be recognized for your birthday on the weekly announcements, please make sure your Birthday is set to PUBLIC on the Band App.
According to Band App, there are TWO birthdays this week!
Happy Birthday Benjamin Bridges (9/1) and Makenna Payne (9/1)!!
Let's have a great week everyone!