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  • Writer's pictureMr. Moore

Weekly Update (1/15- 1/19)

This is your weekly MUSIC DEPARTMENT update!

Hello Folks!

I know we haven't seen each other in almost A MONTH, but I'm excited to see you all tomorrow! I hope you all were able to get a lot done over the last few school days! I'd like to hop right in with you guys and start pushing towards greatness.

I was able to confirm some guests and I'm working on some more.

  • Mrs. Chelsey Roberts (Graduate Student at UNF and Former Band Director are Middleburg) will be joining us for Wind Ensemble Rehearsal on 1/25.

  • Mr. Brett Pikuritz from Orange Park High School will be joining us for Wind Ensemble Rehearsal on 1/22. Because he isn't able to join us until later on that evening, this rehearsal will start at 5pm and go until 7pm. Please plan accordingly.

  • Mrs. Heather Davidson from LaVilla School of the Arts will be joining us for Wind Ensemble Dress Rehearsal on 2/27.

Over the next few days and weeks, we will hopefully have even more guest joining us. Huzzah!

Wind Ensemble also officially has a trip to FSU planned for February 2/3! It'll be a full day, but we'll get to explore the college of music, learn from some amazing musicians, and hopefully enjoy an awesome concert in the Ruby Diamond Hall! Details/ Itinerary to come!




Weekly Walkthrough

Monday,  there are no after school activities. (No School)

Tuesday, there is a Band Booster Meeting at the High School Band Room at 6:30pm.

Wednesday, there are no after school activities. We will kick off our Dominos Fundraiser today!

Thursday,  there is a Wind Ensemble Rehearsal from 4pm to 6pm

Friday, there is a Jazz Ensemble Rehearsal from the end of school until 4:30pm.


January/ February at- a- glance


Mr. Moore Needs to Know Who is Doing S/E MPAJanuary 16th

Slice the Price Fundraiser Starts Roughly This WeekJanuary 17th

Mr. Moore goes to BCMS (Recruitment)January 30th- 4pm- 6pm

Candy- Gram Fundraiser Starts Roughly This Week?February 1st

NFHB ConcertFebruary 2nd- 7pm

Wind Ensemble visits FSUFebruary 3rd

Dairy Queen Band Night (Emphasis on Jazz, DL, and S/E)February 5th- 3:30pm- 9pm

BCHS HOSTS DISTRICT SOLO & ENSEMBLE MPA (Band Students and Parents, Please Plan to Help This Day)February 17th- All Day

Leadership Monday!February 26th- 3pm to 5pm


Wind Ensemble RehearsalJanuary 18th- 4pm- 6pm

Jazz Ensemble RehearsalJanuary 19th- 2:30pm- 4:30pm

Wind Ensemble Rehearsal (w/ Mrs. Chelsey Roberts)January 25th- 4pm- 6pm

Jazz Ensemble RehearsalJanuary 26th- 2:30pm- 4:30pm

NFHB RehearsalJanuary 30th- 5:30pm- 8:30pm

NFHB RehearsalFebruary 1st- 1pm- 5pm

NFHB RehearsalFebruary 2nd- 9:30am- 5pm

Wind Ensemble RehearsalFebruary 8th- 4pm- 6pm

Wind Ensemble RehearsalFebruary 15th- 4pm- 6pm

Wind Ensemble RehearsalFebruary 22nd- 4pm- 6pm

Wind Ensemble Dress Rehearsal #1February 27th- 3pm- 5:30pm

Wind Ensemble Dress Rehearsal #2February 29th- 3pm- 5:30pm


Solo & Ensemble Pre MPA ConcertFebruary 6th- 6pm

Concert Pre MPA Concert (Tentative)February 9th- 6:30pm

DISTRICT JAZZ MPAFebruary 15th- Times TBA

DISTRICT SOLO & ENSEMBLE MPAFebruary 16th-17th- Times TBA

Jazz Ensemble Lunch Time PerformanceFebruary 20th- During Lunch

PRE- MPA @ University of North FloridaFebruary 20th- Times TBA

DISTRICT CONCERT MPAMarch 2nd (Tentative)- Times TBA


Things to Note 🎵:

Leadership Mondays 2024

It's crazy that we already need to start thinking about Leadership for the upcoming school year! If you are interested in becoming a part of the leadership team for 23-24, then you should do the following:

  • Let a Drum Major/ Quartermaster know you are interested

  • Purchase 7 Habits of Highly Effective Teens by Sean Covey (Do NOT Purchase Stephen Covey's 7 Habits of Highly Effective People)

  • Plan to attend the Leadership Monday Meetings on 2/26, 3/4, 3/11, 3/25, 4/1, 4/8, 4/15, and 4/22.

  • Take a look at the below document if you want some ideas on things that we look for out of potential candidates.

Some other things you should consider:

  • We are looking to e x p a n d our leadership team a little bit. (We don't know what this looks like yet).

  • We want to find a way for Captains/ QM to go to Leadership Camp as well as the DM's. (We don't know what this looks like yet).

  • You can talk to myself and other leaders about the process if you wish-- just remember to be judicious.


After School Activities this Week:


  • No School- MLK Day


  • Band Booster Meeting– 6:30pm


  • No Activities Scheduled


  • Wind Ensemble Rehearsal– 4pm- 6pm


  • Jazz Ensemble Rehearsal– 2:30pm- 4:30pm


Birthday Announcements!

By the way, I base birthday announcements on what I can see on the Band App, so if you would like to be recognized for your birthday on the weekly announcements, please make sure your Birthday is set to PUBLIC on the Band App.

According to Band App, there are two birthdays this week!

Happy Birthday Perry Murphree (1/16) and Remini Lee (1/16)!

Let's have a great week everyone!


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